The Philippine achipelago consist of 7,107 islands with a total land area of 300,000 square kilometers or 115,830.60 square miles (about the same size as Italy). The Philippines is approximately 800 km from the Asian mainland and is located between Taiwan and Borneo. It is bounded by the Philippine Sea to the East, the Celebes Sea to the South, and the South China Sea to the West and North.
The Philippine islands are divided into three group: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. The largest of these islands is Luzon where the capital City of Manila is located.
The Philippines got its name from King Philip II of Spain, which was once a colony of the Spanish regime. It was named "Las Islas Felipinas", but was later changed to Philippines, or "Pililpinas." The Colonial rule of Spain lasted for 300 long years. During the 19th Century, Filipinos aimed on gaining back their independence, triggering rebellious groups that paved the country's path to freedom. Others invasions that affected the country's independence came from the Americans during the mid-1900s, followed by Japanese people who tried to conquer the land. They, however, did not emerge successful with the battling strength and pride of the Filipinos in order to protect their land.
The Filipino People:
Because it was ruled by Spain for 333 years and the United States for a further 48 years, the Philippines has many cultural affinities with the West.
Filipino character is a little bit of all the cultures put together. The bayanihan or spirit of kinship and camaraderie that Filipinos are famous for is said to be taken from Malay forefathers. The close family relations are said to have been inherited from the Chinese. The piousness comes from the Spaniards who introduced Christrianity in the 16th Century. Hospitality is a common denominator in the Filipino character and this is what distinguishes the Filipino. Hospitality, a trait displayed by every Filipino, makes these people legendary in Southeast Asia. Seldom can you find such hospitable people who enjoy the company of their Western visitors. Filipinos are hospitable beyond limits, which means that they make a guest's stay as enjoyable, comfortable and entertaining as possible. Perhaps due to their long association with Spain, Filipinos are emotional and passionate about life in a way that seems more Latin than Asian. They are also intelligent people who are always eager to learn.
It is the fourth most populous country in which English is one of official language and the only Christian country in Asia. Educationally, it is among the most advanced of Asian countries. Filipinos are probably one of the few, if not the only English-proficient Orient people today. Pilipino is the official national language, with English considered to be the medium of instructions in schools, higher institutions and business firms. The American occupation was responsible for teaching the Filipino people the English language. The Philippines is currently the third-English speaking country in the world. For this reason, the Philippines' business process outsourcing (BPO) industry currently accounts for about 15% of the global outsourcing market and has been the fastest-growing segment of the Philippine economy.
Getting Around
Manila and Cebu are the Philippines' two principal international gateway cities. Manila's Ninoy Aquino International Airport, seven km from the city center, is served by more than 26 major international airlines, including Air Canada, Cathay Pacific, American Airlines and Northwest Airlines. Philippine Airlines, the country's official flag carrier, links Manila to 26 cities in 19 countries and provides daily service to and from 42 major destinations within the country. Several other charter airlines, including Aerolift, Pacific Air and Grand Airways, offer comprehensive internal services.
Cebu, The Philippines' second international gateway, handles regular flights from Japan, Singapore and Australia, as well as charter flights from Hong Kong, the United States and other major travel markets.
Traveling in Philippines is cheap (one of the least expensive places to visit in Asia and as well in the rest of the world.) For example a stay in a hotel would cost as low as $30 or 1,400Pesos, a flight to Cebu from Manila and vice-versa will cost $35 or P1,645. Transportation is low as 8.50Pesos for the first 4km in Jeepneys. Using the internet for 1hour in an internet cafe range from 20Pesos to 50Pesos depending on the Internet Cafe's location.
Climate in the Philippines is hot, humid, and tropical. The average yearly temperature is around 26.5 degrees Celsius. Filipinos generally recognize three seasons:
Summer: March to May
Rainy Season: June to November
Cold Season: December to February (moderate to folks from temperate countries)
Philippine Population: 86,000,000/Per Capita Income: $4,700
Literacy Rate: 93%
Electricity: 220V (110 is available, mostly in major hotels)
Travel within Philippines is not difficult, if you don't mind riding sometime wobbly public transportation. There are all kinds of transportation available to tourists and locals:
The official languages in the Philippines are Filipino and English. Filipino which is based on the Tagalog dialect (the dialect of national capital region), is the national language. English is also widely used and is the medium of instruction in higher education in the Philippines. There are also 76 major local languages and more than 500 different minor dialects throughout the archipelago. Philippines is rich in culture, music and arts. Fascinating Festivals are celebrated daily in different places throughout the country.
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